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Unveiling the Legion of Progression: A Journey Awaits!

Posted by Diabloxx, on

Dear Legionnaires,

We extend warm greetings and excitement as we approach the launch of our highly anticipated Legion server. Today, we bring you pivotal news regarding the direction our realm will take. Be prepared to embark on a remarkable adventure unlike any other!

The Verdict: A Progressive Journey 

In order to capture the true essence of Legion, we held a community poll to determine whether our server should follow a progressive format. We are thrilled to announce that the collective voice of our Legionnaires has spoken resoundingly in favor of a progressive realm. This deliberate choice ensures an authentic and immersive experience for players, as we unlock the wonders of Azeroth bit by bit.

Charting the Course: Content Releases 

With the legion's decision made, we understand your eagerness to mark your calendars. Fear not, for we are diligently working behind the scenes to forge a comprehensive content release schedule. We pledge to provide this crucial information to you well in advance, enabling you to plan your journey across the waves of Legion's untamed power.

Stay tuned, for in the forthcoming weeks, we shall reveal our meticulously crafted release roadmap. This transparent approach will allow you to ready yourselves, gather allies, and immerse yourselves in the excitement building around our realm.

Join the Crusade!

We express our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support and active engagement in shaping our Legion realm. Ours is a shared passion for the wonders of Azeroth, and it is together that we shall conquer the challenges that lie ahead.

Keep a watchful eye on our communication channels, for we shall soon unveil more announcements and thrilling details. Rally your friends, fine-tune your strategies, and let the countdown commence!

Prepare to forge unforgettable memories in our realm, where heroism, camaraderie, and the untamed power of Legion await. Sharpen your blades, ignite the flames of your arcane abilities, and brace yourselves for an epic journey like no other!

May your path through the Legion realm be filled with triumph, glory, and everlasting memories